- Manual english: PDF
- Demo movie (german): MP4
The poly-flat-roof library part is used to create multi-skin sloped insulation on flat roofs.
The object has the basic shape of a rectangle and can be adapted to any polygonal shapes with movable hotspots.
It has the following properties:
- Slope indication
- Square area for 1- 4 gullies
- Parameters of each individual skin:
- skin material
- skin thickness
- Type of structure (core, lining, other)
- skin as empty skin without building material
- 2D representation as fill
- optional text with display of base area
- 1 - 4 optional roof gullies
- wall connection as cuboid or profile manager profile
- optional openings in the wall connection
- parapet emergency overflow
- Level of Geometry (LOG): 4 different display variants each for 2D, 3D and sections/views
- optional control of LOGs via a separate model view option object
- Hotlines (= trapping edges) in 2D on tile grid
- Openings in the surface with optional wall connections
- Optional slope shape with uniformly high wall connections and different slopes per slope section.
- Optional offset of layers from outer edge of geometry
- Saving and adding Skin structures
- No gullies possible in "dead corners" with slope with uniform wall connection height
- The gully heights of all gullies are the same.
User Interface

Todos / Wishes
- Determination of the drainage areas per gully
- Vent pipes or similar
Example Section

Examples 3D

Examples 2D

Beispiel 2D: Objekt mit 4 Abläufen