GDL-Objektbibliothek, GDL-Objekterstellung, GDL-Objekte, GDL, Objektbibliotheken, Bibliothekselemente, Objekterstellung, GDL-Programmierung, BIM
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Create Script with Spaces

In the past, almost all GDL scripts were written without spaces after commas, before and after equals signs, etc. These scripts are very difficult to read because of the lack of spacing, in other words, they are very confusing. For about 10 years now, I have only written my scripts with sufficient spaces and I can no longer manage without them. To make very old scripts without spaces more readable, this routine was developed, which adds the spaces in the missing places.

Procedure: Copy a script, e.g. a 3D script or all scripts together and save them in a text file with the extension.gdl. Select this text file in the following form and click on ‘Format & Download’. You can then save the result on your computer.

No file selected

🔢 Total Uses: 1

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